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Detained ex-LRA commander Dominic Ongwen fathers child in ICC cells

Despite being held behind bars, former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels commander Dominic Ongwen has proved that he is not only a sharp pointer in the bush but also in baby making terns. The detained ex-LRA commander is a proud father of a bouncing new child.

Dominic’s wife reportedly conceived after paying a conjugal visit last year. Yes, in some developed countries, prisoners have the right to sex as long as their lover or wife shows up on the set day of the conjugal visit. Prisoners are accorded privacy in separate rooms during the visits to allow them bond and makeup time with their partners.

Ongwen reportedly broke the news of the new born child whose gender has been withheld to a group of four leading Acholi leaders who visited him at the detention center in the Hague on Friday last week.

“Paramount chief of Acholi, David Onen Achana II, the head of the delegation, the Archbishop of Gulu Catholic diocese John Baptist Odama and the retired Bishop Nelson Onono Onweng, the former Bishop of northern Uganda Anglican diocese as well as Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the Gulu district chairperson visited Ongwen at the Hague. Mapenduzi said Ongwen was very excited as he broke the news of the birth of the child during the visit which lasted more than one hour”, The Observer reported.

The post Detained ex-LRA commander Dominic Ongwen fathers child in ICC cells appeared first on Matooke Republic.


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