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Police to train retiring officers how to handle life outside Police and stop ‘loitering around stations’ after retiring | Trendsmedia.

Yesterday, the department of Human Resource in Police released a list of 278 senior and junior Police officers that will receive their official retirement letters from the force tomorrow on Friday January 31, 2020.

The event will take place at Naguru Police Headquarters will have three Senior Commissioners of Police (SCPs), eight Senior Superintendants of Police (SSPs), six Assistant Commissioners, 11 Superintendants, 38 Assistant Superintendents of Police (ASPs), 34 Inspectors of Police (IPs), 41 Assistant Inspectors of Police (AIPs), 50 Sergeants (SGTs), 42 Corporals and 37 Police Constables.

The majority of these retiring officers have served in Police for over 25 years and are aged 60 years and over. Notable on the list are:

  • SCP Dennis Odongpiny, former Chairman of Police Court.
  • SCP Benjamin Namanya
  • SCP Samuel Ezati
  • CP Hillary Odoch,
  • CP Wilson Ahimbisibwe
  • CP Fabian Amadia
  • CP Paul Tumuhimbise Kato
  • SSP Wakwale Ahamad,
  • SSP Kamukugize Steven
  • SSP Kamugisha Thomas
  • SSP Yawe Joseph
  • SSP Aboda John
  • SSP Otim Chris Erick
  • SSP Nyakaisiki Leone
  • SSP Were Michael among others.

Col. Jesse Kamunanwire who serves as Head of Human Resource in Police said that there will be will be a workshop to sensitize and prepare the said officers on life after Police service because some retired officers have been loitering around their former stations for a lack of what to do, and some have resorted to begging.

The workshop will equip them with knowledge and skills of how to survive outside the police with a proper retirement plan.

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